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NSAEHA by Smoke-Free Nova Scotia.
The date for the public hearing on the repeal of by-law S200 has been set as Nov. 19th , 6:00 pm at council chambers. This has not yet been approved by council but is unlikely to change. There has also not been additional dates set but I have asked if this can be done. Anyway, this gives us a date to work towards and to communicate to the many, many groups and organizations that all of you are in touch with. Our aim is to have as many individuals and organizations as possible appear at the public hearing and simply say that council needs to keep By-law S200 and strengthen it to make all indoor public places 100% smoke-free. This same message needs to be going to council members through e-mail/fax/phone/letter over the next few weeks! Thank you for all you hard work on ths issue. We have a real opportunity to get a full by-law if we can generate a large volume of community support! Robert Strang MD, MHSc., FRCPC
Names and E-mail Addresses of Councillors
Brian Warshick warshib@region.halifax.ns.ca Bruce Hetherington hetherb@region.halifax.ns.ca Condo Sarto Sartoc@region.halifax.ns.ca Dawn Sloane sloaned@region.halifax.ns.ca Diana Whalen whalend@region.halifax.ns.ca Gary Hines hinesg@region.halifax.ns.ca Gary Meade meadeg@region.halifax.ns.ca Harry McInroy mcinroh@region.halifax.ns.ca Jerry Blumenthal blumenj@region.halifax.ns.ca Jim Smith smithj@region.halifax.ns.ca John Cunningham cunninj@region.halifax.ns.ca Keith Colwell colwelk@region.halifax.ns.ca Len Goucher gouchel@region.halifax.ns.ca Linda Mosher mosherl@region.halifax.ns.ca Peter Kelly kellyp@region.halifax.ns.ca Reginald Rankin rankinr@region.halifax.ns.ca Robert P. Harvey harveyb@region.halifax.ns.ca Ron Cooper cooperr@region.halifax.ns.ca Russell Walker walkerr@region.halifax.ns.ca Sheila Fougere fougers@region.halifax.ns.ca Stephan D. Adams adamss@region.halifax.ns.ca Steve Streatch streats@region.halifax.ns.ca Sue Uteck utecks@region.halifax.ns.ca