![]() Do The Big Five
Synopsis of National Conference on Children with Sensitivities, 1996. If one were to summarize in a few words the message that Dr. Doris Rapp brought to the National Conference on Children with Sensitivities, one would have to say: Do the “Big 5”: appearance, actions, pulse, breathing and writing. To find out why you or your child does not feel, act, behave or learn well, do the following before and after meals; being in every room at home, school or work; chemical exposures; and, the use of any medicine or allergy extract treatment: 1. Check your child’s pulse (increase over 20 points?)If the pulse goes up by 20 points or the Peak Flow Meter rate goes down 15%, you may have found an answer. If you suspect a meal may be causing a problem, check the “Big 5” before and 15 to 60 minutes after each meal. If a meal causes a change, eat none of the foods (in any form) in that meal for 4 to 13 days; then on a weekend, eat a lot of one single food from the suspect meal every 2 hours, checking the “Big 5” before and after each food, until you find the problem food. (More on this later.) If you suspect a room may be a problem, check the “Big 5” before and 15 to 60 minutes after going into each room in your home, school or workplace. If you suspect a chemical, check the “Big 5” before and 2 to 10 minutes after an exposure, providing your reaction is not serious. If you suspect that an allergy extract may be a problem, check each one separately, doing the “Big 5” before and after using each allergy extract. What do you conclude? Is the problem due to: A food? Which one?Dr. Rapp did caution not to do this testing at home if you suspect a serious or frightening reaction -- especially anaphylaxis. Such testing should only be done in a hospital setting. Food Reactions
Write down your five favourite foods and beverages. Do not read further until you have done this. You have probably listed the items that are most apt to be problems if you have food allergies. Problem foods and beverages are often your favourites.So, if you want to save yourself a few dollars on allergy testing and want to really know what reactions certain foods or beverages are causing you, follow the above instructions, remembering to do the “Big 5” before and after each food. For further instruction on this method, read Dr. Rapp’s “Tips Regarding Environmental Illness”, or read one of her books, “Is This Your Child?”, or “Is This Your Child’s World?” Good luck on your journey. And thanks, Dr. Rapp, for teaching us
that we do have a “vehicle” to check our own reactions. However,
we must remember to be responsible in how and where we do this testing
to minimize the possibility of life-threatening reactions.