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NEW for 2004
EHANS Guide to Less Toxic Products
The EHANS Guide to Less Toxic Products is now online at www.lesstoxicguide.ca The Guide is not for sale in hard copy at this time, but may be downloaded free. Just go to the bottom of the home page and click on printer friendly version. This will take you to the option, "Print Whole Guide." The Guide downloads in 74 pages.Videos for loan or sale
1) Sick Buildings, Sick Employees: Is There Help? is a panel discussion sponsored by Operation Safe Office Space. The five panelists provide an interesting mix of legal, medical and practical information on EI, indoor air quality, and what people can do if they are having problems at work. (This is an amateur video with background noise, running time is about 2 hr 15 min, cost $14.95, October 1999)
2) MCS - How Chemical Exposures May Be Affecting Your Health.
This video includes interviews with people living with MCS and the leading doctors and researchers who deal with it. It is full of up to date information, and is an excellent overview of the issue. Professional quality, 90 minutes, cost $30.00. This video should be in every library system.3) Environmental Illness: Personally and Socially Can We Afford It? presented by Dr. Jerry Ross, as the first in the Dr. Bruce Elliott Memorial Lecture series. Dr. Ross explains environmental illness and looks at the cost to individuals and society as a whole. (This is a good amateur video, with one short blank pause. Running time is almost 2 hr, cost $14.95, December 1999.)
4) Your Health and Indoor Air Contaminants: At Home, School, and the Workplace,
is the second Elliott lecture by Professor Tang Lee, an architect whose specialty is environmental design. He analyzes the factors which contribute to creating good or bad indoor air quality, from physical structure to molds to interior components. (It is professional quality, 60 minutes, and $14.95, June 2000.)5) Why An Environmentally Clean Classroom? is from Dr. Doris Rapp. This video shows children, from babies to teenagers, having reactions to a variety of foods, pollens, and chemicals at Dr. Rapp's testing clinic. It explains how schools can cause or add to health problems. (It is
professional quality, about 60 minutes, and cost $50, 1992.)6) 20th Century Disease (taped from a CBC program several years ago, less than 30 min.)
7) Environmental Illness (taped from 20/20 several years ago, less than 30 min.)
8) Dr. Ross - Camp Hill Lecture from several years ago, running time 1 hr.
9) April 1993 AGM Dr. Virginia Salares from CMHC lecture "Is Your House Making You Sick?". Followed by EI panel discussion with Dr. Ross, Virginia Salares, Dr. Shires, Dr. Sparaw.
(This is amateur quality and running time is about 1 hour.) Also a related documentary taped from CBS Street Stories showing Anderson Labs doing experiments testing rats for reactions to various types of carpet. (Running time is about 30 min.)10) Jeff Armstrong's presentation on the Barrhaven public housing units in Ottawa which were architecturally designed and built for people with EI. (This is amateur quality. Running time is about 1-2 hr, December 1993)
11) Mark Kent Stress Workshop from March 1994. Two tapes one from the morning session and one from the afternoon . (This would be amateur quality and running time is about 2 hr each)
Audio Cassette List
Songs of Home You can donate money to the physician scholarship fund and receive the
Camerata Singers CD, Songs from Home. For a donation of $20.00 or more you receive the CD and a tax receipt for the value of your donation less $10.00. A great deal for a great cause. CD sales benefit EHANS physician scholarship fund. CDs can be ordered from EHANS, P.O. Box 31323, Halifax, N.S. B3K 5Y5Lectures by Bruce Small, June 1988 - How to Create a Healthy Indoor Environment, A Positive Approach to E.I.
Lecture by Dr. Gerry Ross, Nov. 1990 - General information on EI, treatment and sensitivity to electromagnetic fields.
Lecture by Dr. John W. Gerrard, June 1988 - Food Allergy
Lecture by Ed Lowans, Nov. 1988 - Housing for Allergic and Environmentally Sensitive People
All video and audio tapes are available for loan. Postage costs must be paid by the borrower and there is a deposit required until items are returned. Deposits may be a cheque that remains uncashed.
Videos available for sale are those with prices listed. To buy or borrow
any of these tapes, contact EHANS at 1-800-449-1995 or at P O Box 31323
Halifax NS B3K 5Y5