Halifax Cosmetic Pesticide
Ban In Place
UPdate Summer 2001
As of April 1, 2001, Halifax's cosmetic pesticide ban has taken a major
step forward. The bylaw prohibits
the use of cosmetic pesticides within a
50 meter radius of any school, licensed
day care centre, park, playground,
licensed senior citizens' residence,
university, church or hospital. As
well, pesticides are banned from use
on residential properties within 50
meters of a person who faces medically
documented health risks from
exposure to pesticides.
So far, over 100 people have registered as being at risk. Of 125,000
properties in Halifax Regional Municipality
(HRM), approximately 30,000 now
fall in an area in which pesticides
cannot be used. Homeowners who do use
cosmetic pesticides are required to
post prominent signs featuring a skull
and crossbones one day before and four
days after application.
There are a few rough spots so far. Where a person at risk is a tenant,
is the landlord who must register the
property. Although in most cases
landlords are cooperative, in some
cases there have been problems. For
people at risk, a form (available from
HRM) must be signed by two doctors.
The Nova Scotia Medical Society has
asked the municipality to revise this
to one doctor's letter.
Halifax is the first major municipality to enact this type of legislation
and inquiries about how Halifax is
working towards a pesticide free city
are coming in from municipalities in
North America and Europe. HRM's
website www.region.halifax.ns.ca contains
information on pesticide free
lawn care practices.
NEWS FLASH: The town council of Digby,
N.S. recently passed a motion that
the town will not use cosmetic pesticides
on town owned properties.