To the Editor: The new
Nova Scotia Municipal Government Act (Bill 47), is a sort of
The right
to limit cosmetic pesticide use is an important victory for the goals of
Health Promotion and Illness Prevention, goals which were actually put
forward as Government Policy in "Nova Scotia's Blueprint for Health System
Reform" in April,
But what
about the rest of us? We're stuck with Section 172(1)j which
The current Liberal government seems to have forgotten what it earlier espoused. And it does not seem to understand that Health Promotion and Illness Prevention save Big Bucks in the Healthcare Budget. As it stands, this obstructive and wrong-headed legislation prevents effective regulation of urban pesticides, and prevents access even to prior warning to persons wishing to protect their healthy children, their schools, their drinking water wells, etc. It seems
clear that Section 172(1)j will have to be struck from the Act, and that
Section 533 will have to be amended so that it will apply to all NS municipalities.
Let it be up to the municipalities to choose whether or not to exercise
this power. It
So what
is happening now? I can't speak for other parts of the Province,
but I can say a little about what is now happening here where I live in
Wolfville. In Wolfville, the East Kings Community Health Association
has been reinvigorated, with a new Board, and a "Going Green Committee".
The mandate of the E.K. Community Health Association, founded in 1995,
is to promote the goals and delivery of Primary Health Care in the region,
which includes Health Promotion and Illness Prevention. The "Going
Green Committee" has taken on the design and implementation of a summer
educational program for the Town of Wolfville, which will aim to
wean householders off harmful lawn and garden chemicals, thus protecting
their and our health, and also protecting our water supply
The Town draws up its water from two deep wells into the aquifer which runs along the floor of the Annapolis Valley. Our goal is to develop a"Wellhead Protection Plan", involving everyone in the Town, and to monitor the water quality. It is very obvious to anyone living here that the concentration of industrial-type agriculture makes it a significant contributor to any potential or actual contamination of the aquifer. This is a fact that cannot be denied. That is a concern not only of the general public, but of the farming community as well. It is a problem that we must all solve together. The summer
project to Green Up Wolfville, which has the support of Town
Peggy Hope-Simpson, Wolfville, N. S. # Editor's note: The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has adopted a policy aiming to reduce exposure to pesticides and is working to have provincial and territorial governments delegate authority for regulating pesticide use on private property to municipal governments. |